Monday, September 17, 2012

Torture Bibliography


Worrell, Mark Why Nations Go To War: A Sociology of Military Conflict
NY: Rourledge, 2011.

Greenberg, Karen The Torture Debate in America NY: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Sands, Philippe Lawless World NY: The Penguin Group, 2005.

Leopold, Jason Kaye, Jeffrey CIA Psychologist's Notes Reveal True Purpose Behind Bush's Torture Program LA: Truthout, 2011.

Human Rights Watch Getting Away With Torture NY: Human Rights Watch, 2011.

Chomsky, Noam The Torture Memos: Torture Has Been Routine Practice From The Early Days of the Republic MA: Z Magazine, 2009.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I personally believe everyone should be entitled to their own opinions on what to believe and not to believe. We listen to what others say because at times we are afraid of expressing our own opinions. I agree with the fact that the internet is influencing our children to do certain things in society. But I also believe it can help them succeed in certain things in their life depending on what it is they are looking at. Everyone has a different perspective on why we listen to what "they" say. I only listen to the things I believe in. The other things I give my own opinion on. We do things in life to get the approval of everyone else. Other peoples opinions seem to affect us more than our own. Society is divided in so many ways and no matter what one person believes there is an eighty percent chance the next person wont believe it.